On Sunday, August 11th, Dr. Green and the LAJS players embarked on a musical journey that explored the rich diversity of Jewish music from various regions of the world, with a special focus on inspiring melodies from Israel. The exotic sounds of music from the...
Maestra Noreen Green conducted the Valley Opera and Performing Arts pit orchestra for a production of Fiddler on the Roof at The Sally Field Performing Arts Center in Van Nuys, directed by Dylan F. Thomas. The seminal musical tells the story of Tevye, a...
The Los Angeles Jewish Symphony (LAJS), in collaboration with the Pico Union Project, presented one chamber concert at Pico Union Project as part of the Symphony’s acclaimed education program, A Patchwork of Cultures: Exploring the Sephardic-Latino...
The moving documentary Symphony of the Holocaust was screened at The Holocaust Museum of Los Angeles on April 18, 2024 at 6:30pm. The screening was followed by a live performance conducted by Dr. Noreen Green, and a Q&A with Producer/Director Greg DeHart, Dr....
On April 15th at 7pm, the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony presented their 30th Anniversary Celebration at Wilshire Boulevard Temple’s Resnick Family Campus formally known as University Synagogue. Featuring performances by LAJS Founding Concertmaster Mark...
The Los Angeles Jewish Symphony andBreed Street Shul Project were pleased to present two live chamber concerts for students from two local elementary schools at the landmark Breed Street Shul in Boyle Heights on Thursday, December 14–the seventh day of Chanukah,...
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