A Patchwork of Cultures: Exploring the Sephardic-Latino Connection
Monday, December 5, 2016 at 11:00 AM
Valley Beth Shalom

Over 900 youth from Los Angeles County public schools and private day schools came together at Valley Beth Shalom for a rousing culminating concert to the in-school workshops that introduced them to the symphony orchestra and the music of Sephardic and Latino cultures. Sofia Cohen soloed in Ocho Kandelikas and students from the De Toledo High School Music Department helped staff the Instrument Petting Zoo.

Raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Cantor Marcelo Gindlin has served as the full-time Cantor at the Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue since 2000. He is a member of the Cantor’s Assembly of America and has recently been appointed to serve on their Executive Board. In addition to his certification as Hazzan and Ba’al Tefillah from the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires). Cantor Marcelo has three degrees in music therapy and has extensive experience as a teacher, composer, choir director, and performer. He has published several scholarly papers in the field of music therapy and has presented at international conferences and seminars. He is currently a Rabbinical student at the Academy for Jewish Religion CA…
Department of Cultural Affairs
As a leading, progressive arts and cultural agency, DCA empowers Los Angeles’s vibrant communities by supporting and providing access to quality visual, literary, musical, performing, and educational arts programming; managing vital cultural centers; preserving historic sites; creating public art; and funding services provided by arts organizations and individual artists.
Max Factor Family Foundation
The Max Factor Family Foundation (MFFF), a private family foundation, supports organizations that inspire hope and offer relief to local communities in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Its grantmaking focuses on programs and services, research and scholarships in the areas of healthcare, education, and on environmental improvement with the potential to positively impact youth, seniors and other vulnerable populations.
Hillside Memorial Park and Mortuary
For more than 75 years, Hillside Memorial Park has provided members of the Jewish community the means to honor and remember their loved ones in beauty, tranquility and the comfort of Jewish traditions.