A Patchwork of Cultures: Exploring the Sephardic-Latino Connection
Tuesday, Novmeber 27, 2012 at 11:00 AM
Valley Beth Shalom Synagogue

“A Patchwork of Cultures: Exploring the Sephardic-Latino Connection” is an in-school program serving approximately 900 students in grades 4-6, in both Jewish and parochial schools, and Los Angeles public schools with a significant Latino population. This unique outreach serves as a cultural bridge for these children, whose communities share a common musical and cultural heritage and promotes understanding and respect for diversity. The culmination of the in school program is a live concert by the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony, this year being held on November 27. 2012. at Vallev Beth Shalom Synagogue in Encino. The full symphony concert brings all the
learning together, as guest soloist Cantor Marcelo Gindlin leads the children in both song and lively dance, accompanied by the LAJS’ spirited renditions of the Sephardic and Latino pieces. The performance is open to the public free of charge. Artworks created by the students during the workshops are exhibited at the hall for everyone in the audience to enjoy, and the addition of several senior groups in the audience provides a multi-generational enthusiasm. Through increased understandina. “A Patchwork or Cutures” unites peodle or diverse racial, cultural, social and economic backgrounds, and teaches youth respect for diversity and the value of the arts in all our lives.

Raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Cantor Marcelo Gindlin has served as the full-time Cantor at the Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue since 2000. He is a member of the Cantor’s Assembly of America and has recently been appointed to serve on their Executive Board. In addition to his certification as Hazzan and Ba’al Tefillah from the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires). Cantor Marcelo has three degrees in music therapy and has extensive experience as a teacher, composer, choir director, and performer. He has published several scholarly papers in the field of music therapy and has presented at international conferences and seminars. He is currently a Rabbinical student at the Academy for Jewish Religion CA…