Shanah Tovah! As this year’s High Holy Days have come to a close, we thought this was a perfect time to reflect on our mission and update this platform to better fit our current vision.
We began our journey back in 1994 as a way of giving back to the Los Angeles Jewish community – to celebrate the richness of Jewish music, to share it with diverse audiences of Southern California, and to pass the treasure of Jewish music and heritage to the next generation – this is our ongoing tradition!
We’ve come a long way since our early days. We built our annual education program, A Patchwork of Cultures: Exploring the Sephardic-Latino Connection, we’ve championed countless aspiring and not widely known composers and musicians, premiered gorgeous works of art and built a community of fans, patrons, and artists that any organization would be proud of. In these efforts, it has always been essential to grow and change with the times – preserving the great works of the past while bringing our presentation into the future.
To that end, we’re excited to update our image with the launch of our brand-new website! We’ve all worked very hard to create a platform that allows for easy, clean navigation while still capturing the unique voice of our organization.
As we start in on this bold new era for our organization, we’ll be telling our story in this blog! In this space you’ll find details about our upcoming events, spotlights on some of our exciting collaborators, and peeks behind-the-scenes at all the hard work that goes into our magical music.
We hope you’ll enjoy the journey!